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- /* Randomise Transfer Anim */
- /* A small program to allow random IBrowse Transfer Anims */
- /* D. O'Cuinn 1998 */
- address COMMAND
- 'failat 21'
- if ~exists("IBrowse") then do
- say "This program must be executed from inside the IBrowse directory!"
- exit
- end
- /* how many have we got then? */
- maxanims = 0
- do i = 1 to 1000
- if exists("Transfer_Anims/def_TransferAnimation." || i)
- then maxanims = maxanims + 1
- else
- break
- end
- /* say "I have found " || maxanims || " Anims" */
- if maxanims > 0 then do
- anim = random(1,maxanims, time('S')) /* time supplied as seed */
- anim = 'def_Transferanimation.' || anim
- 'copy Transfer_Anims/' || anim || ' TO images/def_TransferAnimation'
- 'copy Transfer_Anims/' || anim || '.info TO images/def_TransferAnimation.info'
- end
- /* Try to find WBRun so as not to lose tooltype info */
- 'which >T:tempobrowse WBRun'
- x = open('tempy', 'T:tempobrowse', 'R')
- dummy = readch('tempy', 1)
- if length(dummy) > 0 then
- 'WBRun <>NIL: Ibrowse'
- else
- 'Run <>NIL: Ibrowse'
- x = close('tempy')